Publications Anker Nielsen
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Moisture measurements and calculations - Fugtmålinger og beregninger
- Nielsen, A.,Møller, E. B.,Rasmussen, T. V.&Hansen, E. J. . P.: Use of sensitivity analysis to evaluate hygrothermal conditions in solid brick walls with interior insulation .Proceedings of the 5th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC): Kyoto Japan May 28-31 2012.Kyoto, Japan:Kyoto University, page 377-384.
- Nielsen, A.,Møller, E. B.,Rasmussen, T. V.&Hansen, E. J. . P. Use of sensitivity analysis to evaluate hygrothermal conditions in solid brick walls with interior insulation , abstract, Proceedings of the 5th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC): Kyoto, Jaan, May 28-31 2012.Kyoto University, page 90.
- Nielsen A., Kjellstrom E Sasic Kalagasidis A., 2007:Sustainability of the Swedish built environment towards climate change.
Hygro-thermal effects and design criteria for buildings with respect to future climate scenario. Thermal Performance for the Exterior Envelopes of Whole
Buildings X, December 2-7,2007, Clearwater beach, Florida, USA. s. 10. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-933742-28-1
- Anker Nielse: Moisture Problems in the Design and Construction Phase. 7th
Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 12-15,
- Anker Nielse: Moisture Damages – Types, Risk and Design for Damage prevention,
CIB W40 meeting Glasgow, 2004
- Anker Nielsen: Reducing the risk of future moisture problems in buildings, 7th
international conference on Healthy Buildings, Singapore, 7th to 11th
December 2003 (7 pages)
- Anker Nielsen: Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) used on Moisture
Problems, Indoor Air 2002, 9th international Conference on Indoor Air
Quality and Climate, Monterey, California, USA, June 30- July 5 2002 (6
- Nielsen, A and Samuelson, I: Checklists for clean and moisture
safe buildings, Sixth Nordic Conference on Building Physics in Trondheim,
Norway, 17th to 19th June 2002 (8 pages)
- Use of FMEA - failure modes effects analysis on moisture
problems in buildings, Sixth Nordic Conference on Building Physics in
Trondheim, Norway, 17th to 19th June 2002 (8 pages)
- Anker Nielsen: Analysis of the moisture problems in bath rooms, Healthy
Buildings 2000, Helsinki, Finland, August 5-10, 2000
- Anker Nielsen: 3D rooms for moisture balance calculations, Fifth Nordic
Conference on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Göteborg, Sweden 22th to
26th August 1999(8 pages)
- Anker Nielsen and Øyvind Økland: A Method for Finding Risk of Moisture Convection,
4th symposium on the Building Physics in the Nordic
Countries, 9-10 September 1996 at Innopoli, Espoo, Finland (8 pages)
- Anker Nielsen: Use of statistics for prediction of risk for condensation in a
wall construction. International symposium on Moisture Problems in
Building Walls, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 1995 (10 pages)
- Anker Nielsen: Use of statistics for prediction of condensation in a wall
construction. International symposium Indoor Air Quality in Practice,
Moisture and Cold Climate Solutions, NIF, ISIAQ, Oslo, Norway, 19-21 June
1995 (14 pages)
- Anker Nielsen: Validation of mass transfer calculations, LEN-day Lund
September 13th 1991, 12 pages 1991. Printed in: Research and Development
in Building Physics during the last 25 years, Swedish Council for Building
Research, D15:1992 (page 37-48), Stockholm, Sweden
- Anker Nielsen: Numerical methods for combined moisture- and heat transfer in
building materials and in structural elements. Report from Nordic
symposium. Laboratoriet for bygningsmaterialer DTH. Section: Availability
of materials properties 11 sider 1989
- Anker Nielsen: Fuktteknisk dimensjonering
med statistikk. En metode for vurdering av risiko for byggskader. Byggforskningsrådet, Sverige R89:1987
( 57 sider) 1987
- Anker Nielsen: Use of personal computers for
moisture calculations. Building Physics in the
Nordic Countries. Symposium and day of building physics Lund, Sweden,
august 1987. Swedish Council for Building Research D13:1988 (5 sider)
- Anker Nielsen: Condensation in a brick wall estimated with statistical
methods. Building Physics in the Nordic Countries. Symposium and day of
building physics Lund, Sweden, august 1987. Swedish Council for Building
Research D13:1988 (5 sider)
- N.E. Andersen og Anker Nielsen: Fugt- og varmetekniske målinger i
tage og ydervægge. SBI-fugtforsøgshus, SBI.
SBI-rapport 134 24sider 1982
- Anker Nielsen: Gamma-ray-attenuation used on
free-water intake tests. RILEM symposium on
autoclaved aerated concrete. Lausanne march 29-31,1982 10sider 1982
- Anker Nielsen: Computer programme for Philips numerical solution of equations
of the diffusion type with diffusivity concentration-dependent. LFV medd. 36. 15sider 1975
- Lars Bach and Anker Nielsen: A numerical method to calculation of moisture content in wood
exposed to cyclic climatic conditions.
DTH. LFV note 20 pages 1975
- Lars Bach and Anker Nielsen: Computer programme for non-stationary moisture variations. LFV medd. 34. 21sider 1975
- Anker Nielsen: Fugtfordelinger i gasbeton
under varme- og fugttransport. Licentiat-afhandling ved DTH, LFV medd.29.
219sider 1974 (Dr. Thesis: Moisture distribution in cellular concrete
during heat- and moisture transfer)
- Anker Nielsen: Gamma-Ray-Attenuation Used for Measuring the Moisture Content
and Homogeneity of Porous Concrete. Building Science, vol. 7(1972)page
Energy calculations - Energiberegninger
- Nielsen, A.,Bertelsen, N. H.,Sørensen, N. L.&Wittchen, K. B. Automatisk energirammeberegning for den eksisterende bygningsmasse: Redegørelse til Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen med forslag til en fremtidig realisering.1. udgave udg.SBI forlag.94 s.(SBI; Nr. 20, Vol. 2011)
- Thermal insulation and
alternative energy – an analysis of climate variations, Building
Physics Symposium 29-31 October 2008, Leuven, Belgia
- Mossavi Nik, V and Nielsen A: UsingControlled Active Mass (CAM) to decrease energy demand for Cooling, 8th
Nordic Conference on Building physics in the Nordic Countries, København, 2008
- Sasic Kalagasisdis A, Moussavi Nik V andNielsen A: Effect of climate change on energy consumption in buildings, 8th Nordic Conference
on Building physics in the Nordic Countries, København, 2008
- Törnström
T, Nielsen A, Nilsson H, Sandberg M and Wahlström Å: Controlled active mass for
increased thermal comfort, Proceedings
of the International Conference Clima 2007 WellBeings Indoors, Helsinki, Finland
- Törnström
T, Ghahremanian Sh., Janbakhsh S., Nielsen A, Nilsson H, Sandberg M and
Wahlström Å: Low-energy cooling for improved thermal
comfort in offices, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality &
Energy Conservation in buildings, Sendai, Japan, 2007
- Brohus H, Bjørn E, Nielsen A and Wahlström
Å: Assessment concepy for the building design process.
IDEEB report no 3 2004(Intelligently Designed Energy Efficient Buildings –assessment
and control by an Eco-Factor system - EUROPEAN
COMMISSION 5th Framework Programme, December 2004, ISBN 91-85303-24-0
- EFB4. Energiberegning af
glastilbygninger og flerrumsbygninger. Brugermanual (52 sider) Bygge- og
Miljøteknik ,Birkerød, Danmark 1988
- Vurdering av energiforbruk i
eneboliger ved bruk av statistikk. NBI projektrapport 20 (21 sider) 1987
- Calculation of energy consumption in large buildings - the
SPRINT method. Building Physics in the Nordic Countries. Symposium and day
of building physics Lund, Sweden, august 1987. Swedish Council for
Building Research D13:1988 (5 pages).
- Simplified methods for calculating energy consumption in
buildings. Anker Nielsen (NBI) and Kjeld Johnsen (SBI). World Congress on
Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning august 1985 Copenhagen (7
- EFB 1 Energy Consumption Calculation Method. Conferance:
Windows in Building Design and Maintenance. Gothenburg June 1984 6pages
- Energi. Økonomisk vurdering
av energisparetiltak i bygning. NBI byggdetajlblad G472.312 1984
- Beregning af energiforbrug i småhuse.
Sammen med Kjeld
Johnsen. SBI rapport
148, 78sider 1984
- Beregning af ruminddelte bygningers
energiforbrug. Metoderne EFB2 og EFB3. Energiministeriets
varmelagerprojekt rapport 6. LFV medd. nr 103, 60sider 1980
- Energiforbruget i et enfamiliehus med
kælder. Varme (Danmark) nr 6(1980) side116-120
- Beregning af energiforbrug i
bygninger EFB1. Brugervejledning for TI-59. Energiministeriets
Varmelagerprojekt rapport 4. LFV medd. 93, 22sider 1980
- Beregning af energiforbrug i
bygninger EFB1. En metode til brug for bordregnemaskiner. Energiministeriets Varmelagerprojekt rapport 3. LFV medd. 92,
65sider 1980
- A method for calculating the energy consumption in buildings by
means of a desk calculator. CIB symposium København 1978. Energy
conservation in the buildt environment at SBI - session 4 page 159-167
- Isolering og vedvarende energi.
Svensk VVS nr 12(1978) side63-66 1978
- Klimasvingninger giver store
variationer i effekten fra solfangere og vindmøller. Ingeniøren (Danmark)
nr 38(1978) side34-35 1978
- Dimensionering af solvarmeanlæg.
Varme (Danmark) nr 3(1978) side61-64 1978
- Isolering og vedvarende energi. Varme
(Danmark) nr 3(1978) side57-61 1978
- Beregning af bygningers
energiforbrug. Varme (Danmark) nr 1(1978) side10-15 1978
Windows and glazed spaces - Vinduer og glasgårde
- Energiforbruk og inneklima i
en bygning med glassvegger. Glass for 90-årene NBI sagnummer N3411 13
sider 1991
- Analyse af kantforseglingens
betydning for ruders U-værdi og kondensforhold. Glass for 90-årene NBI sagnummer N3411 11
sider 1991
- U-values for facades in glass and metal. Paper for 2.symposium:
Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Tapir ISBN
82-519-0941-4 (page 57-62) 1990
- The energy impact of new Glazing technology at high latitudes.
A.Nielsen (NBI) and Øyvind Aschehoug, NTH. Paper for: CIB W67 Workshop:
Low-energy-buildings(2nd generation) Heidenheim 31may-1june 1990 (7sider)
- Fasader af glass og metall. Konstruksjoner og løsninger for
nordiske forhold. Sammen med C.Dreier, T.Gjelsvik, J.R.Herje og T.Isaksen.
NBI Håndbok 41 1990 (Afsnit varmetap, varmetilskud, kaldras og kondens)
- Norske erfaringer med glasgårde. Artikel i tidsskriftet:
Byggeindustrien(Danmark) nr 10 side 10-12, København 1988
- Forseglede to- og treglass ruter. Typer og egenskaper. NBI,
Byggdetailblad A571.953 1988 Medforfatter
- Prediction of risk for surface condensation. Paper for
conference: Healthy Buildings 88 Stockholm, Sweden, Vol. 2 page 325-333
- Thermal Transmission Through Windows. IEA energy conservation.
Annex XII Windows and Fenestration. TNO, Delft, Netherlands December 1987.
- Thermal and solar properties of Windows. Expert guide (step 2).
IEA energy conservation. Annex XII Windows and Fenestration. TNO, Delft,
Netherlands December 1987. Autor of section on condensation on glass and
use of shutters
- Vinduer og energiforbruk.
Bruk av isolerte skodder. NBI byggdetaljer G 472.421 (8 sider) 1986
- Glasstak. Konstruksjoner.
Klimapåvirkninger og løsninger for nordiske forhold. Sammen med C.Dreier,
T.Gjelsvik, J.R.Herje and T.Isaksen. NBI Håndbok 36 (48 sider) 1985
- Windows. Recent research and experiences by Norwegian Building
Research Institute, Trondheim Division. Papers from Window congress
Gothenburg. NBI project rapport 1-85 1985
- How the type of window glass will affect the energy consumption
and the choice of HVAC in buildings. A. Nielsen and K. Breder. World Congress on heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning
august 1985 Copenhagen (7 pages) 1985
- Assessing coated glazing for housing. A. Nielsen and R.
Heiersted. Building Research and Practice vol. 12,number5(page 299-302)
- Influence of Coated Glazing on Equivalent U-values for Windows.
Windows in Building Design and Maintenance. Gothenburg June 1984 6 pages
- Energy Consumption in Buildings with Sunspace. Windows in
Building Design and Maintenance. Gothenburg June l984 5pages 1984
- Glasskledde uterom -
Energimessige vurderinger. NBI Byggdetaljer A527.230 6sider 1983
- Energigevinst med glasskledt
uterom. Arkitektnytt (Norge) nr 7,side 134 1983
- Glasbeklædte uderum i forbindelse med
større bygninger. Arkitekten (Danmark) nr 6,side 114-115 1983
- Energidiagram underlättar val av
fønsterglas. Byggmästeren (Sverige) nr 2, side 37-38 1983
- God ide med glasgårde mellem
bygningerne. Ingeniøren (Danmark) 25/2 1983
- Glasskledt uterom kan spare
energi. Bygg (Norge) bd 31,nr 1,januar 1983 side 20-21 1983
- Coated glazing and energy consumption in residential buildings
- measurements and calculations. Heiersted and Nielsen, NBI. CIB 9.th
congress Stockholm 1983
- Selection of glazing for low energy consumption in different
building types and climates. Nielsen and Heiersted ,NBI. CIB 9.th congress
Stockholm 1983
- Energiforbruket stiger lite
med økende vindusareal. Bygg.(Norge) Bd.30,nr 8(side 21-22) september 1982
- Vindusarealer og nattisolering
- innflytelse på bygningers energiforbruk. Innredningsindustriens
Forskningsgruppe Rapport nr 11, Oslo, Norge 30sider 1982
- Valg af glastype i vinduer ud fra
energisynspunkter. Byggeindustrien (Danmark) nr 6/7-1982 side 16-17 1982
- Glasbeklædte uderums indflydelse på
energiforbruget i boliger. Arkitekten (Danmark) nr 10(1982) side 198-199
- Enfamiliehuse med glasbeklædte
uderum. En analyse af energiforbrug. Energiministeriets
varmelagerprojekt rapport 9. LFV medd. 113 31sider 1982
- Store vinduer i enfamiliehuse. Arkitekten (Danmark) nr
10-11(1981) side251-252 1981
- Vinduets betydning for enfamiliehuses
energiforbrug. Energiministeriets
varmelagerprojekt rapport 7. LFV medd. nr 105, 29sider 1980
Inverted roofs - Omvendte tage
Thermal design of highly insulated inverted roofs. Anker Nielsen and Einar
M. Paulsen. Second International symposium on roofing technology. NBS,USA
September 1985 (13 pages) 1984
Inverted roofs - effect U-value and energy U-value. Nielsen and Heiersted.
CIB W-40 meeting Leuven 5 pages 1983
Snow and wind - Sne og vind
- Nielsen, A.& Claesson, J.: Melting of snow on a roof: Mathematical report, 2011, Göteborg:Chalmers tekniska högskola.37 pages.
- Nielsen, A.& Claesson, J.Snow Melting and Freezing on Older Townhouses, 2011, Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics: NSB 2011.Tampere, Finland:Tampere University Press,Vol. 1,8 pages
- Nielsen A and Claesson J 2009: Snow and freezing
water on roofs, Cold Climate HVAC 2009 conference, Sisimiut, Greenland, 16-19 marts 2009, 8 pages
Nielsen A: Snow and ice on roofs – iciclesand climate change, 8th Nordic Conference on Building physics in the Nordic Countries, København,
Anker Nielsen: Snow, Ice and Icicles on Roofs – Physics and Risks, Sixth Nordic Conference on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Reykjavik, 2005
- Anker Nielsen and Per-Arne Sundsbø: Design of buildings in
snowdrift areas - experiments and practical results from Norway, Cold
Climate HVAC2000, November1-3, 2000, Sapporo, Japan ( page
- Anker Nielsen: Information on building in cold climates - results from
research in Northern Norway, 4th international conference on SNOW
engineering, Trondheim, Norway, June 19-22, 2000, published in Snow
Engineering, Recent Advances and Development edited by Erik Hjort-Hansen
et al, A.A.Balkema Rottterdam 2000, ISBN 90-5809-148-1, page 337-342
- Anker Nielsen and Thomas Thiis: Arctic Building Technology,
Fifth Nordic Conference on Building Physics in Gothenborg, Göteborg,
Sweden 22th to 26th August 1999 NB 6 MB
- Børre Bang, Anker
Nielsen, Per Arne Sundsbø and Tore Wiik: Computer simulation of windspeed, windpressure and snow
accumulation around buildings (SNOW-SIM). Energy and Buildings vol.21 no 3 page 235-43, 1994
- Børre Bang, Anker Nielsen,
Per Arne Sundsbø and Tore Wiik.: Computer simulation of windspeed, windpressure and snow
accumulation around buildings (SNOW-SIM). Cold Climate HVAC'94, International
conference on HVAC in Cold Climate, Rovaniemi, Finland, march 15-18 1994.
Proceedings page 457-467 (11 pages)
- Anker Nielsen: SNOW-SIM - Computer Model for Simulation of Wind and Snow Loads
on Buildings and Structures. Paper for the 3rd Symposium Building Physics
in the Nordic Countries, Copenhagen 13-15 September (8 pages) 1993
- Berit Hugdal og Anker Nielsen: Rennesystemer for glasstak.
Dimensjoneringsvejledning. NBI Prosjektrapport-88 (58
sider) 1991
- Anker Nielsen: Snow loads and heat cables on glazed roofs. CIB W67 workshop
1991 may 27-28 Trondheim 10 pages 1991
- Byggforskserien, Byggdetaljer
G471.051. Laster. Snølast på glasstak. Med O.Mangor-Jensen, NBI våren 1990
(6 sider)
- Anker Nielsen: Snow melting on glazed roofs. Paper for 2.symposium: Building
Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Tapir ISBN 82-519-0941-4 (page
165-169) 1990
- Anker Nielsen: Snølast på glasstak.
Observationer av snø på glasstak samt anbefalinger for
glasstakskonstruksjoner. Med S.E.Torgersen, NBI Oslo. Del I Tekst. NBI
intern arbejdsrapport 383 (50 sider) Del II Bilder. NBI intern
arbejdsrapport 384 (120 sider) 1989
- Anker Nielsen: Snow-melting and snow loads
on glass roofs. Paper for conference: First
international conference on snow engineering, July 1988, Santa Barbara,
USA, Special report 89-6 from Cold regions research & engineering
laboratory USA, page 168-177 (9 pages) printed 1989
- Anker Nielsen: Snow-melting and snowloads on glass roofs. North Sun '86
conference. København (7 sider) 1986
Information technology - Informationsteknologi
SIMULATION AND MODELLING OF MOISTURE AND VOC, Indoor Air conference 2005, September
4-9, 2005, Beijing, China
- Simulation of cleaning as a useful tool in planning of
buildings, Building Simulation 99, Sixth International Building
Performance Simulation Association Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September
13-15 1999, ISBN 4-931416-01-2, Vol 3, page 1349-1356
- VRML Programs for Room Ventilation Applications, Paper no 95,
Indoor Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Building Technology and
Structural Engineering, Aalborg University, December 1998, ISSN 1395-7953
- VRML programs for Room Ventilation Applications, 6th International
Conference on air distribution in Rooms, ROOMVENT 98, Stockholm, Sweden
(vol I page 279-285)
- Use of 3-D modelling programs in Building Physics, CIB
W40-meeting7-10 October 1997, Kyoto, Japan, CIB Proceedings, Publication
213, CIB, Rotterdam (page 487-492)
- Use of 3-D modelling programs with VRML in HVAC Planning, Cold
Climate HVAC'97, April 30th to May 2nd, Reykjavik, Iceland
- Use of full Interactive 3-D Modelling programs in Building
Physics, with Børre Bang SIN, 4th symposium on the Building Physics in the
Nordic Countries, 9-10 September 1996 at Innopoli, Espoo, Finland
- Building Physics and information technology. Paper for
2.symposium: Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Tapir
ISBN 82-519-0941-4 (page 13-19) 1990
- Byggdetaljer på EDB. Beskrivelse af prototype for
præsentation af tekst og tegninger på PC. Med F.O.Gabrielsen. NBI notat 10
sider 1988
- Databases for research results. Building Physics in the Nordic
Countries. Symposium and day of building physics Lund, Sweden, august
1987. Swedish Council for Building Research D13:1988.
Air tightness and air change - Lufttæthed og luftskifte
- Measurements of Air Change and Energy Loss with Large Open
Outer Doors, A. Nielsen (SIN). Paper for: Energy Impact of Ventilation and
Air Infiltration, 14. AIVC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-23
September 1993 (8 pages)
- Distributions of expected air infiltration and related energy
use in buildings based on statistical methods with independent or
correlated parameters. Paper for: Energy Impact of Ventilation and Air
Infiltration, 14. AIVC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-23 September
1993 (8 pages)
- Measurements of Air Change and Energy Loss with Large Open
Outer Doors, A. Nielsen (SIN) and E. Olsen (NORUT). Paper for the 3rd
Symposium Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Copenhagen 13-15
september (8 pages) 1993
- Luftstrømmer og varmetap
gjennom porter, Ernst Olsen og Anker Nielsen, Norut Teknologi, FTAS A93005
(30sider) 1993
- Air flow and ventilation measured in glazed areas in Narvik.
P.Eian, B.Jensen and A.Nielsen, Paper for ROOMVENT'92 , Aalborg, Denmark
(11 sider) 1992
- Use of statistics for predicting distribution of air
infiltration. 8th AIVC Conference, Überlingen, Federal Republic of Germany
21 - 24 September 1987, paper 9 , 13 pages 1987
- Tetthet og U-verdier. Konsekvenser for energiforbruk. NBI byggdetaljer G 472.642 (6
sider) 1986
Life time and environmental impact of materials - Bestandighed og
miljøpåvirkning for materialer
- Anker Nielsen: Computer model (SIN-BIP) for energy consumption, cost, energy content and
the environmental loads of buildings. Paper for the 3rd Symposium Building
Physics in the Nordic Countries, Copenhagen 13-15 September (8 pages) 1993
- A. Nielsen, O.H.Lyngra og B. Hammarstrøm: Computer model for the energy consumption, cost, energy content and the
environmental loads of buildings,
Paper for symposium Energy Efficient Buildings Stuttgart (6 pages) 1993
- Anker Nielsen: Statistiske vurderinger i forbindelse med bestandighed. Bidrag til
NORDTEST-symposium: Materialers og komponenters bestandighed. Vurdering og
prøvning. København juni 1988 (side 311-318) 1988
Indoor climate and cleaning - Indeklima og rengøring
- Reducing the risk of future moisture problems in buildings, 7th
international conference on Healthy Buildings, Singapore, 7th to 11th
December 2003 (7 pages)
- Preventing moisture problems and water damage in buildings,
Cold Climate HVAC 2003 in Trondheim, Norway, 15th to 18th June 2003 (10
- Planning of Class Rooms in Schools for better Cleaning, Third
international congress on professional cleaning, Helsinki, Finland, 30
September to 1 October 2002
- Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) used on Moisture
Problems, Indoor Air 2002, 9th international Conference on Indoor Air
Quality and Climate, Monterey, California, USA, June 30- July 5 2002 (6
- Use of FMEA - failure modes effects analysis on moisture
problems in buildings, Sixth Nordic Conference on Building Physics in
Trondheim, Norway, 17th to 19th June 2002 (8 pages)
- Bornehag C G, Blomquist G, Gyntelberg F, Nielsen A et al.:
Dampness in Buildings and Health. Nordic Interdisciplinary Review of the
Scientific Evidence on Associations between Exposure to
"Dampness" in Buildings and Health Effects (NORDDAMP), Indoor
Air, vol. 11, 2001, no 2, page 72-86
- Analysis of the moisture problems in bath rooms, Healthy
Buildings 2000, Helsinki, Finland, August 5-10, 2000, ISBN 952-5235-07-2,
Vol 3, page 495-500
- Planning of cleaning for large rooms, Healthy Buildings 2000,
Helsinki, Finland, August 5-10, 2000, ISBN 952-5235-07-2, Vol 4, page
- Simulation of cleaning as a useful tool in planning of
buildings, Building Simulation 99, Sixth International Building
Performance Simulation Association Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September
13-15 1999, ISBN 4-931416-01-2, Vol 3, page 1349-1356
- Planning of rooms for better cleaning, Paper for Indoor Air 99,
the 8th international Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate,
Edinburgh, Scotland, August 8th to 13th 1999
- The Cleaning Index as a useful tool in Facility Management.
Second International congress on professional cleaning, Helsinki, Finland,
June 3-4, 1997
- Defining the Cleaning Index for Occupied Rooms, Indoor Air'96,
the 7th international conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, July
21-26, 1996, Nagoya, Japan
Other areas - andre områder
Copyright (c) 2012 Anker Nielsen. All rights reserved.